IMC hours spring semester
Monday-Friday: 10a-5p
Saturday/Sunday: closed
Spring Break: CLOSED March 22-30
Call or email Jim Holmes to schedule equipment pickups and returns. / (503)777-7352
The Instructional Media Center (IMC) is a multi-media, audio-visual, and computer resource facility which includes the language lab and a closed vault housing the video, CD-ROM and AV equipment collections.
The IMC is located in L32 - on lower level 1 of the non-library part of the building. It can be reached by taking the lobby elevator to LL1 or via the lobby stairs on the east side of the building (to your left as you walk in the main entrance)
IMC Reserves
Most videos reserves are streamed on the course moodle. All videos placed on course reserve are located at the IMC circulation desk (or the PARC for performing arts classes). The loan period for IMC reserves is 3 hours.
Movies, Media & More
The IMC has a collection of over 12,000 videos in DVD, Bluray, and VHS formats. Checkout is one week for most videos. Click here for a collection of our streaming video services. For film recommendations, listings by title or language, and monthly annotated features, check out - The IMC Film Guide
The IMC checks out audio-visual and computer equipment. Laptops check out for one day and maybe extended as needed. All other equipment checks out for 3 days. Current audio-visual equipment available for checkout includes: projectors, screens, VCR/DVD players, compact powered speakers, and extension cords. To reserve equipment, use this link or email Jim Holmes.
* Please note - headphones and laptop/phone chargers now checkout from the main library circulation desk. Digital cameras and camcorders are checked out of the Visual Resources Center Lib42.
Mac laptops and chargers are available in the IMC for loan. By default, laptops are due the next day that the IMC is open. To check out a laptop for the day, stop by the IMC during open hours. If you need a laptop for a few days or weeks, email Jim Holmes. If you need a laptop for the semester, please apply for Student Technology Equipment Program.
Questions about the IMC?
Contact Jim Holmes, Director of Access Services (503)777-7352 or call the IMC circulation desk (503)777-7531.