Jim Holmes
Director of Access Services

Contact Information
Phone: (503) 777-7352
Email: holmesj@reed.edu
Office: L32
Areas of responsibility:
Instructional Media Center
Access Services
Reference and Library Instruction
Access Services is the circulation division of the library, which includes Summit, Interlibrary Loan, and Reserves. As the Director of Access Services, I oversee the circulation system and staff, acquisition/licensing and embedding of video for the curriculum, and help out with general library reference and technical questions. Additionally, I teach students how to do film research, use AV equipment and multimedia hardware/software. If you have a class assignment with a multimedia component, I can help! If you are teaching a class and would like to know more about technology in the classroom, please contact me. My office is in the Instructional Media Center. The IMC is where Reed houses the video, classical LPs, and cd-rom collections. We check out equipment including headphones, laptops, iPads, chargers, camcorders, DSLRs, audio recorders, speakers, projectors, DVD players / USB drives and screens.
Instructional Media Center Home Page