
Fines & Fees

All Library overdue fines and replacement fees are paid at the Business Office. Your account must be paid before you can register for classes or graduate. Check with the Office of Financial Aid office if you need help paying your account.

If you are charged a fine for something that you have already returned, or were unable to return items in time due to exceptional circumstances, please contact us at as soon as possible. We can often work with you.

Go to our fines and fees FAQs

Library fines and fees by material type

Material Checkout Fine Lost Replacement Fee
Reed Books (including music scores)
  • Students: 28 days
  • Seniors: end of graduating semester
  • Faculty and Staff: July 1 (of next year)
No fines $60 replacement fee (refundable on return)
$10 processing fee
Reed Media (CDs, DVDs, LPs) 7 days No fines

$30 replacement fee
(refundable on return)
$10 processing fee

Summit Books and Media 12 weeks $0.50/day, $12.50 max fine $75 replacement fee
(refundable on return)
$15 service fee
ILL (Interlibrary Loan) 2-4 weeks, varies Depends on lender Depends on lender
Reed 24 Hr Reserve 24 hours No fines $60 replacement fee 
(refundable on return)
$10 processing fee
Reed 3 Hr Reserves 3 hours No fines $60 replacement fee
(refundable on return)
$10 processing fee
Reed Media Reserves 3 hours No fines $30 replacement fee
(refundable on return)
$10 processing fee
Reed Equipment (chargers, ipads, laptops, headphones) 24 hours No fines Actual cost replacement
(refundable on return)
$10 processing fee
Reed Equipment (AV equipment) 3 days No fines Actual cost replacement
(refundable on return)
$10 processing fee

Fines & fees FAQs

Does the library charge late fines?

The library does not charge fines for overdue Reed materials, including reserves and equipment. We are required to charge fines for overdue Summit materials, as well as some Interlibrary Loan materials.

When is something considered "lost"?

25 days overdue for books, scores, and media.

5 days overdue for reserves and equipment (laptops, chargers, AV equipment).

If my account gets charged for something lost, should I still return it?

Yes! When you return a lost item to the library, we'll refund the replacement fee. The processing fee does not get refunded.

Can I buy the library a replacement? I lost a book, but I could easily replace it for less than the replacement fee.

Yes! The replacement must be in good condition and the same edition. Email Jim Holmes at to coordinate replacements.

I couldn't return a book because of something beyond my control, and now I can't register for classes or graduate because of the fees on my account. Can you help me?

Email Jim Holmes at as soon as possible and describe what happened. We can often work with you.

Something got marked "lost", but I know I returned it to the library. What should I do?

Email us ASAP at and let us know which item you returned. We'll check in the library, and refund the fees if we find it.

I have a question about fines or fees that isn't answered here. What to do?

Contact Jim Holmes at