
Library Maps and Call Number Locations

Locate books by call number

Need to get to L17? Check out our How to find L17 library classroom video.

Looking for a study room? Check out our How to find Library study rooms video.


Lower Level 2 (LL2)

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floor map of library LL2

On this level

Access from Library Lobby Stair D or lobby elevator

  • Special Collections and Archives
  • Single user restroom


Lower Level 1 (LL1)

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floor map of library LL1

On this level

Access from within the library

  • L17 library classroom (Video: How to find L17 library classroom)
  • Books and government documents
  • Bound periodicals
  • Study spaces
  • Large group study room
  • Collaborative study space (white boards and desks)
  • Single user restrooms

Access from Library Lobby Stair D or lobby elevator

  • Instructional Media Center (IMC)
  • Language Lab
  • Visual Resources Center (VRC)
  • L41 classroom
  • Multi-user restroom (Dr. Seuss restrooms)

Main Level

Main Level (ML)

Select map to enlarge

floor map of library Main Level

On this level

Access from within the library

  • Circulation desk and reserves books
  • Reference desk
  • Books, oversize books, and reference resources
  • New bookshelf
  • Current periodicals
  • Thesis Tower access (stairs only)
  • L148 Reduced Distraction Testing Room
  • L144 Private Testing Room
  • Printers, overhead book scanner, photocopier/scanner (color printing)
  • Microfilm reader
  • Study spaces
  • Pollock Room (Career books and Faculty books)
  • Zine Library
  • Library staff workspaces


Level 2 (L2)

Select map to enlarge

floor map of library Level 2

On this level

Access from within the library

  • Books
  • Study spaces
  • Group study rooms
  • Height-adjustable desks
  • Single user restrooms
  • Multi-user restroom
  • L221 Library Seminar room

Access from Library Lobby Stair D or lobby elevator

  • L203 and L204 classrooms


Level 3 (L3)

Select map to enlarge

Level 3

floor map of library Level 3

On this level

Access from Library Lobby Stair D or lobby elevator

  • L387, L389, and L340 classrooms
  • Faculty offices
  • Single user restrooms
  • Multi-user restrooms

Call Number Locations

Library of Congress call number Floor and room
A, B, C Main Level South Stacks
D, E, F, G L2 South Stacks
H, J L2 Southeast Stacks
K, L, M LL1 East Stacks
N LL1 West Stacks
P - PF LL1 East Stacks
PG - PT LL1 Southeast Stacks
Q L2 North Stacks
R-RJ L2 North Stacks
RJ-RZ, S, T-TP L2 Center Stacks
TR LL1 West Stacks
TS-TX L2 Center Stacks
U, V, Z Thesis Tower
Oversize Main Level Oversize (Center) Stacks
A - PK (Reference) Main Level North Reference Room
PL - Z (Reference) Main Level South Reference Room

Non-call number collections

Collection Location in Reed Library
Current Newspapers Main Level Pollock Room
Current Scholarly Periodicals: A-Mod

Main Level Periodicals Reading Room

Current Scholarly Periodicals: Mon-Z

Main Level South Reference Room

Bound Periodicals: A-Advances in Ecological Research LL1 North Center Stacks
Bound Periodicals: Advances in Electron Transfer-Journal of Abnormal Psychology LL1 South Center Stacks
Bound Periodicals: Journal of Algebra-Z LL1 South Stacks
General Interest Magazines Main Level Pollock Room
Government Documents LL1 North Center Stacks
Reed Theses Thesis Tower and Special Collections and Archives
Reference Atlases Main Level South Reference Room