
New Materials

The New Materials list contains books and other physical materials added to the collection in the last 90 days. Titles are listed by subject area; the list is updated daily. Select a title to view location, availability, and requesting information.

Anthropology | Art | Biology | Chemistry | Computer Science | Dance | Economics | Environmental Studies | Film | Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies | General Science and Technology | General Social Science | History | Language, Literature, and Linguistics | Mathematics | Media | Music | Philosophy | Physics | Political Science and Law | Religion | Sociology | Special Collections | Statistics | Theatre | Zines


The semiotics of love
Danesi, Marcel, 1946- author.
BF575.L8 D36 2019
The ego in Freud's theory and in the technique of psychoanalysis, 1954-1955
Lacan, Jacques, 1901-1981.
BF173 .L14613 1988 bk. 2
The Basque witch-hunt : a secret history
Machielsen, Johannes M., 1984- author.
BF1582 .M33 2024
The war of art : break through the blocks and win your inner creative battles
Pressfield, Steven, author.
BF408 .P69 2012
Grief and sorrow in the Roman world : republic to empire
Smart, Anthony, author.
BF575.G7 S63 2025