New Materials
The New Materials list contains books and other physical materials added to the collection in the last 90 days. Titles are listed by subject area; the list is updated daily. Select a title to view location, availability, and requesting information.
Anthropology | Art | Biology | Chemistry | Computer Science | Dance | Economics | Environmental Studies | Film | Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies | General Science and Technology | General Social Science | History | Language, Literature, and Linguistics | Mathematics | Media | Music | Philosophy | Physics | Political Science and Law | Psychology | Religion | Sociology | Statistics | Theatre | ZinesSpecial Collections
Afro contemporary art today : a record of the 2019-2020 Afro Contemporary Art class at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School
Bernard Stevenson Jr., Michael, artist.
N7433.4.S748 A37 2020
Bernard Stevenson Jr., Michael, artist.
N7433.4.S748 A37 2020
"Your riches rot, your clothes are moth-eaten" : the letter of James's use of wisdom literature to spur social upheaval
Fling, Chloé, author.
Fling, Chloé, author.
Taphonomy and Bryophytic growth on porcine bones in PNW microclimates
Guerra, Angie M., author.
Guerra, Angie M., author.
Jesus people and environmentalism in 1960s and 1970s Berkeley, California
Jeffrey, Rowan, author.
Jeffrey, Rowan, author.
Icelandic formations of national identity through the ownership of material culture in a post colonial context
Lewis, Lindie Choi, author.
Lewis, Lindie Choi, author.
Understanding Monsky's theorem : a study through Sperner's lemma and p-adic valuations
Nam, Dubin, author.
Nam, Dubin, author.
Deep learning for spiral galaxy NGC 1365 embedded star clusters detection based on PHANGS-HST
Ni, Jiamao, author.
Ni, Jiamao, author.
"The 73' Chevy Impala of rivers:" ruin, restoration, and indigenous futures along Johnson Creek
Simons, Carmen, author.
Simons, Carmen, author.
Passing on : elegy/eulogy to 2020
Virginia Commonwealth University. School of Art, issuing body.
N7433.3 .P37 2021
Virginia Commonwealth University. School of Art, issuing body.
N7433.3 .P37 2021
"When Philoi clash with Philoi in strife" : familicide in Greek tragedy and fragility of the family in Athens
Votaw-Leventhal, Gillian, author.
Votaw-Leventhal, Gillian, author.
Xalapa : Museo de Antropologia, Veracruz Mexico, visual tour 2020
Walker, Gay, book artist.
N7433.4.W37 X35 2022
Walker, Gay, book artist.
N7433.4.W37 X35 2022
Afro contemporary art today : at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School
N7433.4.S748 A37 2021
N7433.4.S748 A37 2021